
Thank You Everybody !!!!!!!! from Shiori

 Dear My Friends

 Thank you so much for gathering for my farewell party last night. I am so happy many of you came to toast with me. Thank youuuuuuuu!!! I was bit nervous to play Shamisen and Shakuhachi, but I am happy that I could perform for you. I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for listening! After the performance, I got relieved and drunk so much!!!! I didn't want to crush out,,,but unfortunately I did around 2:00 ,,,?? maybe. I am so sorry! I woke up and everyone was gone,,, as usual. I was so happy and I wanted to drink with all of you. I need bigger liver to stay alive longer....I will train!! I was holding myself for a while but I think that drinking Guinness in one go trigered to change my drinking pace,,,hahaha, who bombed me !? but made me remember of one of the St. Patrick's day when I did the same for 11 seconds. And I had many Jeager Bomb, B'52, favorite Tanqury Tonic, and Champagne,,,, Thank you for toasting with me everyone!!  I am happy that I could see you all last night, and I am happy that I could have a lot of fun together. Ah!! I found out just now that I sung "Amagi Goe", but I have no memory of that actually,,,, I hope it was not disaster.....

  Anai-kun! Thank you so much for being DJ for all night. Great music! I enjoyed so much. I want to hold the party again with you, DJ Anai ♬ Thank you to Beni&Alan for fantastic Jazz music. Your music is necessary for The Gael. Please keep playing at the Open Mic night!! Thank you to Takashi-san for passionate singing. You came all the way from Nagoya for me! I am moved. Thank you!! Thank you to Koji-san for powerful and refined Tsugaru Shamisen. I will practice more to reach to you!! Thank you to Yohei-chan for singing me "Kanpai"!! The best toasting song ever. Thank you for sending me off with this song. 

  All the memories I have from The Gael is my treasure! All my friends from The Gael is my treasure!! I can not be ME without you. Thank you so much for cheering me till today. I will really really MISS YOU,,,,,. 

You are my big brothers and sisters, little brothers and sisters. I will miss you sooooooooooooo much!!!! I have to bring enough tissue for thousands of drops during my flight,,,,,. 

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! Thank you sooooo much!!! I won't say good bye, I say 'See you soon !!'. I will see you someday soon : )


I am too sad to leave The Gael.... 

So, I am calling you all to gether at The Gael on April. 10th Wed at 20:00 for the really the last last gathering!! If you are free, please come. I want to see you again,,,,,.  

Thank you again for the last night.





 穴居君!一晩中DJ頑張ってくれてありがとう!めっちゃ良かった!ありがとう!また一緒にパーティーしたいな、DJ穴居♬ ベニー&アラン、素晴らしいジャズ演奏をありがとう!二人の音楽はゲールに必須です!これからもオープンマイクでよろしくお願いします! たかしさん、送別会のためにわざわざ名古屋から駆けつけてくれて本当にありがとう!感動(涙)こうじさん、力強くて洗練された津軽三味線をありがとう!私も近づけるように頑張って練習します!ようへいちゃん、「乾杯」歌ってくれてありがとう!最高の乾杯ソングで見送ってくれてありがとう!

 みんなは、私のお兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん、そして弟、妹です!MISS YOU!! 飛行機の中で大泣きしそう。ティッシュいっぱい持っていかな。

 I LOVE YOU, みんな! あろがとうございました! 






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